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Club Statement

Club Statement

James McCafferty31 Dec 2023 - 18:34
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Corby Town Football Club - Board of Directors Press Statement

We, the Board of Directors at Corby Town Football Club, wish to address the community and our dedicated fans regarding recent discussions on social media about our club's budget and financial status.

First and foremost, it is essential to acknowledge the unwavering support of our major investors, Paul Glass and James Longley. Their contributions have been fundamental to the club's operations. At the start of the season, our budget was set between £3,500 to £4,000 weekly. However, despite careful planning, we faced a shortfall of approximately £70,000 for the season, primarily due to other overheads at Steel Park. This budget was contingent on achieving an average attendance of around 700 and successful cup runs, which, unfortunately, have not materialized as expected.

In response to these challenges and the withdrawal of additional investors who initially agreed to support wage funding, we made a minimal reduction in the budget to below £3,500 per week about five weeks ago. This decision was to be reviewed following the Boldmere game.
Despite this reduction, maintaining our current budget level necessitates significant personal contributions from our major investors, Paul Glass and James Longley. To date, they have injected an additional £34,000 this season and are faced with the prospect of contributing £14,000 per month to sustain our operations. This situation is far from ideal, especially considering the club's home performance and league position, which necessitate further discussions on potential budget adjustments.

In light of these challenges, we are actively seeking new avenues to strengthen our club's financial foundation. We warmly welcome discussions with individuals and parties interested in contributing to the club's leadership and operations. Whether it's through investment, strategic guidance, or innovative management, your participation could be the key to unlocking new levels of success and stability for our club.

Additionally, we are open to and invite applications from individuals interested in joining our board, particularly those with expertise in commercial activities. Our goal is unified: to build a successful Corby Town team, one that not only thrives in the current league but also aims for promotion and greater achievements.

We understand the concerns of our fans and the community. Your support has always been the cornerstone of our club. We assure you that every decision we make is with the club's best interest at heart, aiming for a sustainable and prosperous future for Corby Town Football Club.
We thank you for your continued support and look forward to overcoming these challenges together.

Any interested parties should email


The Board of Directors

Corby Town Football Club

Further reading